Agnès ( Anyes ) Van de Put, P.T, D.P.T.
Dr. Agnès Van de Put is an experienced Doctor of Physical Therapy who has been practicing for +30 years and is licensed in 3 different countries.
She has been practicing for the last 10 years in Sebastopol in orthopedic outpatient settings, treating all age groups.
Dr. Van de Put was born in Europe and graduated with a Physical Therapy degree from HIK in Antwerp in 1986.
She moved to the US in 1995 and has work in multiple physical therapy settings throughout the US.
She obtained her Doctor of Physical Therapy from The University of Montana in 2018.
She specializes in orthopedic rehabilitation, neurology, aquatic therapy and PNF.
Her goal is to provide high quality , one on one physical therapy , utilizing manual therapy, exercise rehabilitation and her versatile skills to promote a speedy recovery.
In her free time, Dr. Van de Put enjoys skiing, traveling , the outdoors and cooking.
She currently lives in Sebastopol